Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mom, The Collector

Before Mr. Winey and I had Bunny, our lives were pretty simple. No worries. On the brink of boring. Don't get the wrong idea! We did have fun the first four years of our marriage. Frequent visits to the island (almost every weekend), going to parties, trips here and there... but it was empty. Then, I was FINALLY pregnant!!

Fast forward six years - present day, 2014. Nobody told me that having a kiddo meant that you became a collector of some of the most random things. My daughter is a mini hoarder of all things cutesy and packaged perishables.

I'm not exactly sure when it all began? But little by little I started buying mason jars, wooden jewelry boxes, and plastic containers just to keep all of Bunny's collectibles neatly on her bookshelves. Here is a list of Bunny's stash.

1. Buttons

Yes, buttons. She loves buttons. Round buttons, pink buttons, glitter buttons, butterfly-shaped buttons... buttons. She'll save her money to buy buttons at Wal-Mart or Hobby Lobby. She even asks Santa for buttons and hopes the Easter Bunny will sneak a bag of studs in her basket Sunday morning. 

2. Sequins
Just like buttons, Bunny loves to collect sequins. I wonder if it's the shiny, glittery look to them which makes me think she may be part piranha, part puppy. We actually used a bit of her sequin collection to make her Christmas stocking. There are days when she gets out her tackle box of sequins and sorts them by color, other days by animal/insect and shape.

3. Pennies 
Bunny doesn't care where those ugly bronze coins are laying, she's going to pick it up and stuff it in her pocket. She even chants "See a penny, pick it up. All day long I'll have good luck" while striking an 'X' on the ground as a little ritual. Those pennies go in a special mason jar to hold her good luck and wishes, of course. 

4. Crayon Shavings
This is a recent habit she's picked up. Last semester, her class had a substitute teacher and told them that if they save their crayon shavings they can reuse them to make iron-on crafts. *facepalm* Bunny was elated. Duh. More junk to pack!! She even asked Mr. Winey if he could buy her a box of snack bags so she could keep it in her backpack just in case she has crayon shavings to save. (Notice that she never came to me to ask. I'm pretty sure she knew I'd say no.) I'm glad to say that she often forgets or is too busy in class to remember to save those curly crayon shits. 

5. Pencils (Usually No. 2 pencils)
I can't seem to get those lead sticks in one place no matter how hard I try. Bunny doesn't use these pencils. She just stores them in random places. She gets pencils from teachers, her school, prizes, friends... who knows where else. But they have some sort of sentimental value to her and I actually think it's cute. 

6. Buddy Bucks

Ok, so if you're not from Texas, then you more than likely do not grocery shop at H-E-B. This store gives out a Buddy Buck or two, per visit, to your little rugrat(s) so they can play Spin & Win It where you collect stickers with a number of points (yes, more crap to store in my already packed wallet) to trade in for prizes. For the past six months, the H-E-B we shop at has not fixed their machine so Bunny has a hefty collection of Buddy Bucks. *grumble grumble*

7. Ketchup packs
The lunch ladies at Bunny's school are Ketchup Nazis. The kids are only allowed one pack of ketchup for their fries, burger, chicken nuggets... you get the idea. If your kid is anything like mine, she needs at least one ketchup pack per nugget or for every two fries. (Who doesn't?) So I collect ketchup packs and stuff a handful of them in Bunny's lunchbox - just in case. I'd like to thank Burger King, McDonalds, Chick-fil-A, and Popeyes for their continued support.

8. Erasers
I don't know what it is about erasers, but Bunny just has to have erasers. And when the book fair goes to her school, without fail, she'll plead and beg for money to buy flower shaped rubber (and sometimes a book.)

9. Stickers
Most of the stickers Bunny has collected have come from doctor and hospital visits. She has an impressive stash, too. Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, Disney Princesses (Ariel, Cinderella, Pocahontas), Rise of the Guardians... the list goes on. And she never uses them. Never. They're just there, looking pretty.

10. Jewels/Beads
This goes hand-in-hand with her sequin and button collection. All those little girl birthday parties we attend have plastic jewels sprawled across the tables for little grubby fingers to grab a hold of and pack in their pint sized pockets. 

Those are the top ten items Bunny (and sometime myself) collect and keep in no particular order. I hope this prepares you moms-to-be. Start buying mason jars. I recommend getting them at the Dollar Tree. Inexpensive and perfect for any mindless, first world junk you need to keep for your little darling. 

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